Saturday, June 21, 2014

Photos can engage students in learning! (Using Phixr and ThingLink)

I have been having a great summer of golf...not that I am a good golfer but I love to be out there doing it! Teachers at my school have shared some great Apps on our Edmodo Tech site, so I used them to interact with my photos! 


Phixr Photo Editor

The first idea is based on an article in The Reading Teacher (May issue) called 'Every Word is On Trial; Six-Word Memoirs in the Classroom'. The article suggests having students create 6-word memoirs and then incorporating technology in the classroom by using for some free photos...or you can use your own.  Then use to edit photos.. Great idea. I included mine below but the article includes even more examples! Here is a link to the article:

Here is a link to a great article on Six Word Memiors: Six Word Memoirs in the Classroom

And a link to her class project: Six

ThingLink allows you to use any photo and create links on the image. This can be used to link photos, images, text, websites, sound,  and youtube videos. Students can use a photo and link all the research that they have found related to the photo. Here is my ThingLink using my summer golf photo! Click to check it out!

An Intro to Golf - ThingLink

Monday, June 2, 2014

ChatterPix...Speaking has never been more fun!

ChatterPix is a great and engaging app! It can be used for any short speaking activity. The students have 30 seconds to speak! It can be used for a short story summary,  to tell a fact and opinion about what  they read, talking about the main idea, or discussing something new they learned. Students can take a photo of themselves, use one provided, draw a picture, or take a picture of  something in the classroom or a character in the book. It is easy to use ... The app actually walks you through the steps so it is user friendly for students of all ages! What a great engaging technology activity for students!

Here's a connection to another blog that used ChatterPix to bring Poetry to life!! Love it!